Hey! I’m New Here!

Hey! I’m New Here!

Hey! I’m new here!

Well, new to this site, anyway. My name is Jess, welcome to my (newest) blog!

I’ve toyed around with writing about dance for a long time, and I think it’s finally time. Dance has been a huge part of my life for almost 20 years now, and as someone returning to the stage recently, I feel like I’ve got a lot to say.

I’m a reformed comp kid living it up on stage with the Corpus Christi Ballet and, more recently, the Harbor Playhouse. My journey to this point has been rocky to say the least, but it’s been worth every stone in the path to find my way back to the stage.

I teach dance classes covering many genres and skill levels, and I’ve always got some choreography buzzing in my mind. I’ve choreographed for competitions, recitals, musicals, and more! I can’t get enough!

Fitness is a growing passion for me, and I’m always looking for ways to incorporate great training into my routine and classes to help dancers live happier and healthier. (Don’t worry, I won’t slide into your DM’s about my latest workout program, I’m not that dedicated!)

Now that you know a little bit about me, I hope you know that I’m not really into talking about myself, and I really wanted to create this blog as a way to share the lessons that I’ve learned throughout my career so far, the things I’m learning in real time, and my personal thoughts about everything dance. I don’t know everything, but I pride myself on being a lifelong student and pushing myself to be the greatest I can be.

These past couple of months have opened unusual doors for my dance career, and I’m looking forward to sharing more with y’all!

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I’m Jess

girl with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a blue top

Welcome to my site! I’m a dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer based in South Texas and I can’t wait to share about everything dance with you!

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