On Stage

This is why we’re all here, right? To be on stage? This is where I’ll share moments from recent productions, my thoughts on performing, and fond memories from the past from my time on the stage. I’ll hope you’ll enjoy these mini memoirs and that they’ll share the joy that I feel on stage with you!

Recital 2024 Recap

It’s hard to believe that recital has already come and gone! All those months of work building technique, teaching choreography and cleaning movements, and then it’s all gone in a single weekend. Wow.

Ready to Rock: the Recap

I can’t believe that after all that time and preparation, it’s over.

Spring 2024: Hard Corps Swans

How do you put the experience of dancing Swan Lake into words? I don’t know if you really can, but I’m going to try.

Out of My Dreams

This is the third time I’ve written this post, and I still can’t quite convey everything that being a part of Oklahoma has meant to me.

I’m Jess

girl with curly blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a blue top

Welcome to my site! I’m a dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer based in South Texas and I can’t wait to share about everything dance with you!

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